The gross national product were seen as a hodgepodge of buicks, chickens, shirts, and diaper services. 把国民生产总值看成是别克牌汽车,小鸡,衬衫和织补服务等的大杂烩。
The share of household income in China's gross domestic product is about 41%. 家庭部门的收入在中国国内生产总值(GDP)中的占比约为41%。
The US, eurozone, Japan, UK, China and India account for just under 60 per cent of world gross product, at purchasing power parity. 以购买力平价计算,美国、欧元区、日本、英国、中国和印度占全球生产总值的比例略低于60%。
A rapid change in the ratio of credit to gross domestic product is more important than its level. 信贷与国内生产总值(GDP)之比的快速变化,比信贷的绝对水平更重要。
Per capita gross product reckon the total volume of imports 按人口计算的总产量计算进口商品的总量
In 2009, total Chinese credit expanded by almost half of gross domestic product. 2009年,中国的信贷总额的扩张幅度几乎达到了国内生产总值(gdp)的一半。
That is more than the gross national product of Greenland. 这笔花销超过了格陵兰的年国民生产总值。
The growth rate of GNP ( gross national product) per capita for China will be quadrupled by 2000. 到2000年,中国人均国民生产总值的增长率将翻两番。
The review estimates them at as little as 1 per cent of global gross product, though, here too, there is a range of uncertainty. One per cent is itself just a few months of economic growth. 报告估计,尽管其中也存在很多不确定性,但这项成本占全球总产出的比例仅有1%,仅相当于几个月的经济增长。
An economist's simplest answer is the gross domestic product, or GDP, per person of each country. 据一名经济学家的最简单的回答,是平均到每个国家每个公民的国内生产总值,即GDP。
Ratio of gross domestic saving to the gross product 国内储蓄总量对总产值的比率
This means gross domestic product per person is increasing. 这意味着人均国内生产总值(gdp)正在日益增长。
Private companies have expanded rapidly and under some estimates now account for more than half of gross domestic product. 私人企业发展迅猛,一些人估计,它们已经占到了国内生产总值(gdp)的一半以上。
Its double-digit growth in gross domestic product last year is statistical proof of the ongoing changes. 去年中国国内生产总值(gdp)两位数的增长,为中国正在发生的变化提供了数据上的佐证。
I prefer a nominal gross domestic product target, for reasons I explained a fortnight ago. 而我更倾向一个名义国内生产总值(GDP)目标,原因我在两周前已经解释过了。
Update teachers'knowledge of the latest development of compiling Gross Domestic Product. 更新教师对编制本地生产总值的最新发展的知识。
The healthcare sector alone accounts for more than a tenth of gross domestic product. 仅医疗行业,就占到了国内生产总值(gdp)的10%以上。
Data of gross domestic product have been adjusted according to China Economic Census in this table. 本表中本市生产总值为按全国经济普查口径重新调整数。
China remains a poor country with a per capita gross domestic product on a par with Albania. 中国仍是一个穷国,其人均国内生产总值与阿尔巴尼亚相当。
The good news, suggests the Stern review of climate change, is that the economic costs of achieving these objectives might be as little as 1 per cent of global gross product. 斯特恩有关气候变化的报告显示,好消息是,实现这些目标的经济成本可能只需全球生产总值的1%。
The gap between exports and imports indicates that net exports are an important contributing factor to gross domestic product. 出口和进口之间的差距说明,净出口是国内生产总值(GDP)的一个重要贡献因素。
Authors make a study on transportations contribution to gross national product growth and employment personnel growth. 研究了运输业对国民生产总值增长的贡献和对劳动就业人数增长的贡献。
GNP stands for gross national product. GNP代表国民生产总值。
The gross national product ( GNP) measures the total output of goods and services in a given year. 国民生产总值(GNP)标志着一年内生产出来的商品和服务的总和。
Through over ten years 'rapid development, the gross product of telecommunication industry has become 4.9% of the GDP in China. 电信行业经过十几年的快速发展,其生产总值已经占到GDP的4.9%。